The upcoming elections for Trader Representatives will be
conducted over 13 market precincts which have been identified to best represent
areas with likely common trader interests. Each precinct will elect two
representatives which will help spread the workload. To keep Trader
Representative Committee meetings manageable, only one from each precinct will actually
attend meetings.
Here are the new electionprecincts -
1. Victoria St (Peel St to Queen St).
2. Victoria St (East of Queen St.), Food Court, and Elizabeth St.
3. Dairy Hall.
4. Meat, Fish & Rabbit Hall.
5. A & B Sheds.
6. C Shed.
7. D Shed.
8. E & F Sheds.
9. J Shed.
10. K Shed, Rear of K, and Rear of L Sheds. (3 Trader Representatives)
11. L & M Sheds
12. H & I Sheds.
13. Casual Traders.
Trader election information sessions will be held at the Queen St. Engagement Hub on -
Tuesday 17th May - 2:30pm to 3:20pm.
Wednesday 18th May - 10:30am to 11:20am.
Thursday 19th May - 2:30pm to 3:20pm.
Thursday 19th May - 3:30pm to 4:20pm.