The Queen Victoria Market Advisory Committee has evolved from the old Trader Advisory Committee that had two Trader Representatives and discussed daily operational matters like cleaning and maintenance.
"Things have come a long way."
Things have come a long way. The current QVMAC allows for 10 Trader Representatives representing each market category. It has two QVM Board members attending meetings, and has expanded its reference to almost any market issue that traders or management wish to examine. The list of achievements over the last few years include
1. Requesting David O’Neil’s attendance and advice on market development.
2. Lighting improvements across the market.
3. Single day absences for SL Traders.
4. Showcase marquee on Therry St.
5. Advice and input on a whole range of documents including Trader Induction Manual, Strategic Brief on QVM Renewal, Renewal Master Plan, Huddle Report, etc.
6. Representing traders at a recent National Markets Conference.
QVM is trading in difficult times. A list of achievements can never be long enough, but the QVMAC has certainly made a contribution. Its role of “co-operative involvement” with management has received criticism from some quarters and praise from others. There are some traders who wish to protect what they already have and resist any change. For many others getting involved in change is a good thing and an inevitable component of renewal. They believe that active participation gives traders the best chance of influencing outcomes.
Can a new organisation offer something more? This will obviously depend on the organisation and its operators. Will this organisation resist change or embrace it? Will it take a world view of our market or will it just look to protect certain trader interests? Will it provide professional commitment to market matters or just focus on its own limited agenda. Will it be truly dedicated to performance or just long on promises and short on action?
This is an interesting new development as QVM looks intently at the whole question of Trader Governance. We wish the new organisation well. Any organisation that wants to make QVM a better market is welcome. Let’s see how this one stacks up.
01/02/2016 13:39:53 Traders advisory comitee "Thanks for your work in the past BUT we need representation not only advice " Alby E shed
Thanks for your input Alby - Ed.
01/02/2016 20:54:23 New Trader Organisation "You're quite right Alby, if you mean we don't represent the continuing decline of our once prosperous Market. We don't and won't represent the past, but I can assure you that we will continue to strive to oversee the present and at the same time guarantee the future. All this within our role as advisors, for we are after all members of the Queen Victoria Market ADVISORY Committee. It's not such a difficult concept. But I can assure you it is quite a difficult role. Results are hard won, frustrations and disappointments aplenty. We welcome your help and your advice, we welcome your observations and opinions. We for our part will continue to represent the interests of the Market and traders. For whether it is to our liking or not, the future is coming, just as surely as the past is gone. And we are determined to do our utmost to face that fact front on and shape our futures learning from the past. And for those that think they can stop time or somehow even force the future back into the past, well we wish them luck." - Ivano
Thanks for your views Ivano - Ed.