Sunday, 18 May 2014

Traders Present Resolutions To QVM Board

At a QVM Board meeting on Thursday 15th May, QVMAC Representatives, Jenny Pyke and Joe Stolarek presented three resolutions to the Board. These resolutions were formulated at a mass meeting of Traders on Wednesday 7th May to consider renewal issues particularly relating to the car park.-

The resolutions were –
1. The minimum car parking spaces should not be less than our current 1180 spaces, these include our spaces in the current car park of 720, spaces in Franklin St , spaces in Queen St and loss of spaces in Elizabeth St. due to bike lanes.
2. The current QVM Board’s and CoM preferred option for the car park under Sheds A,B,C as it stands is not acceptable to the traders as the risk to traders has not been addressed.
3. That a subscription be collected by QVM Pty. Ltd. on behalf of the QVM traders and placed into a trust fund to cover the costs of an Administrative Officer, a clerical support person to liaise on behalf of traders and other costs as they may arise.