Dogs know everything there is to know about bones, and if you
try to sell them an inferior product or, your sales pitch shows you don’t
understand the nuances of bone selection, you are doomed to failure.
In a more related sense, if you are in your business because
it looked like a good way to make money, or you stumbled on a profitable source
of supply, but you haven’t developed a true passion for the product, your
customers will know, and your business will suffer. Equally, if you have the
passion, but your staff doesn’t, your business will suffer.
How often do we see successful businesses fail under a new
owner who was lured by the success of the business but didn’t have the passion
that contributed to its success? The Queen Victoria market is not immune from
this scenario. We have traders who are in business for reasons other than a
true passion and commitment. We all suffer as a consequence.
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