After an
intense lobbying campaign on Victraders to change the term “General Merchandise”
to “Specialty Merchandise” we might have the official tick from the very top.
This week’s
Trader Bulletin included a letter from none other than Ben Rimmer, Chief
Executive Officer of the City of Melbourne and Paul Guerra, Executive Chair,
Board of Management, Queen Victoria Market, which included the line –
“Through the
Renewal Program we are committed to ensuring the market retains its character
of today complete with a range of fresh produce, speciality merchandise, and an
array of hospitality all in an open open air market setting that retains its
unique atmosphere, heritage and affordability.”
We think
that pretty much locks it in.
18/12/2017 16:35:18 Final say on specialty merchandise "Perhaps given the current climate at QVM we could refer to the section as ‘tenacious traders’"
We are certainly that - Ed.
18/12/2017 16:35:18 Final say on specialty merchandise "Perhaps given the current climate at QVM we could refer to the section as ‘tenacious traders’"
We are certainly that - Ed.