night’s City of Melbourne Council Meeting considered a number of issues
relating to QVM and essentially endorsed the new proposal for underground
facilities at the top end of the market and the establishment of a Trader
Support Program.
The meeting
considered a Statement of Expectations which sets the ground rules for what CoM
expects from its subsidiary company, Queen Victoria Market Pty.Ltd.
Two changes
were made to wording in the original agenda items with the word “expand” being
added to a statement about the Market’s role – “Recognise, protect and expand
the Market’s original and primary role as a fresh food market”.
And those
concerned about the transformation of H&I Sheds to an eating area will be
pleased with this resolution from Council – “Requests the Chief Executive
Officer to communicate to the board of Queen Victoria Market Pty Ltd Council’s
explicit view that sheds H and I should remain predominantly for the purpose of
fresh produce trading.”