The study found that entrepreneurs were 30% more
likely to suffer depression than everyday people. And it is the very factors
that often first attracted us to retailing that are the cause. It is the stress
created by striving for success, chasing goals, gambling on outcomes, and often
seeking perfection in what we do. It is
pushing ourselves, going it alone, and the feeling of self esteem (or more
critically the lack of it) that influences our everyday working lives.
right at the moment it is the feeling that we are not completely in control –
slaves to consumer sentiment, constantly changing technology and the slow
ponderous progress of those in charge of change.
the one hand we wouldn’t have it any other way. We need to be in charge of our
destiny, we get a rich buzz from everyday opportunities. On the other hand we
are victims to the frustrations that exist particularly when times are tough.
trader described his frustrations to me recently by saying that he can handle
the general downturn at present. He knew when he signed on for retailing that
there would be tough times. He knows that he has to tighten the belt while
always looking for changes that might be opportunities. But one thing really
gets to him. It is the time between customers. That long period when he has to
keep a smile on his face and a positive attitude when in truth nobody loves
him. He admits that is a ridiculously emotional response and laughs it off but
most traders will understand what he is getting at.
article may seem to be a ramble through the obvious – we are in tough times.
But its aim is to illustrate that many of us are in the same situation. Some of
us will need to make hard decisions about our futures. The important thing is
that we realise we are not alone. We do need to be open about our feelings with
those around us and we need to take advantage of the many forms of professional
help that are available to traders. We are in a high risk group for mental
stress and it just makes good sense to manage the risk.
You OK?
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