Trading – Thursday’s after-market Information
Hub meeting included a review of plans for Christmas trading including the late
night Friday shopping and trading on the Tuesday public holiday after
Full details will be out shortly but there are
expansive plans to market the Friday night late trading opportunity. Trading
hours will be a feature of future market plans and it will be interesting to
see how this initiative works at a very busy time of year as we embrace local
shoppers and city workers/dwellers.
The initial reaction from top-end traders is that we
need to trade on the Tuesday following Christmas although it appears unlikely
that fresh food will join the activity.
Theft of
Watches In Top-end – a couple of teenagers took off with a display box of
watches from one of our traders on Peel St. on Saturday. The thieves were too
quick with their escape despite a number of traders giving chase.
Fortunately one of those traders insisted that the
stallholder join him in a vehicle search of nearby streets and the culprits
were apprehended a short distance from the market. Their backpack was recovered
along with the case of watches and a number of other items stolen from the
Perseverance paid off in this instance and the recent
spate of brazen thefts from retail businesses may be a warning for all traders
to watch their security and to support their neighbours in that process.
Hours – another subject discussed at
Thursday’s after-market session involved market trading hours and the confusion
they cause for customers. The QVM website gives prime emphasis to trading hours
on its main page.
One suggestion was to simplify the message and say
that the market was open every day except Monday and Wednesday although even
that simplification is inaccurate during night market seasons.
It was generally agreed that 7 day trading would ultimately
relieve the confusion with the usual condition that no single trader would be
obliged to trade 7 days.Queen Street Closure - and finally from Thursday's information session, there was a request from fishmonger Con to review the decision to close Queen St. to vehicles on Saturday morning. Queen St. has been closed on Saturday mornings as part of a move to enhance pedestrian traffic in the middle of the market and remove possible conflict between vehicles and pedestrians.

14/11/2016 13:23:50 Queen Street closure "For many years the parking in Queen Street on a Saturday added to the hustle and bustle of a vibrant market. There use to be rules about the parking being for shoppers, not traders, but allas, as has happened with many rules around the market, these have not been inforced. Closure is the simple answer but at a cost to traders. Whats wrong with enforcing rules, they are there for a purpose."
- Karl ADK 1950
Thanks for your input Karl - Ed.