Incidentally, the editor of Victraders was almost refused service at Romeo's Cafe this week for daring to suggest that Pete's job may be at risk with the QVM cleaning contract under review. See last week's "Heard Under The Sheds". Pete is obviously highly respected in many quarters.
American Doughnut Kitchen Seeks Photos - Karl from the American Doughnut Kitchen has asked traders to bring forward any historical photos of the iconic van as it enters its 65th year of operation at QVM and he also congratulates the organisers of the River Trial promotion during the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival.
13/03/2016 06:31:44 History "A shout out to our fellow Vic Market traders. The American Doughnut Kitchen has a long history with 65 years of continuous trading at QVM. We are compiling a history of the business and need your help. If you have any old photos of the van or market activity with the van ""in shot"" we would very much appreciate a copy, or, if you have any stories that you would like to share with us. These can be dropped off at the van, please leave your name so that I can thank you." Karl, ADK
13/03/2016 06:44:15 River Trail "Congratulations QVM on a well organized promotion at The Arts Center and a thank you to fellow traders for your hospitality over the three day event. " Karl ADK
Here are a couple of photos that we came across Karl -

Our Easter Banner - this is a peek at the new web banner promoting Easter at QVM.
Wheel and deal your second hand wares at Queen Vic Market every Sunday!
On any given Sunday we have up to 35,000 visitors at the Market looking for great value bargains among clothing, jewellery, books, tools, antiques, crafts, pre-loved goods and more. Located at the Peel St end of C Shed, Car Boot Sundays is your opportunity to sell your pre-loved goods to these Market shoppers.
There are only 34 stalls available each week – so book online, drive in and sell your loot from your boot!
What is it?
· A new car boot sale at Queen Victoria Market every Sunday!
Where is it?
· Queen Victoria Market, Peel Street end of C Shed (drive-in entry from Peel Street)
· The Market space is fully undercover in our heritage sheds
When will it be running?
· Car Boot Sundays will run from 8am-3pm every Sunday excluding public holidays.
· Arrival and set up at the market must be between 6.30am- 7.30am, fully set up by 8am, so make sure you get in early to secure a good spot - Spots are allocated on the day! See images below for location and site map of the market and stall areas.
How much are stalls?
· Stalls are $40 each including GST and the booking fee
How big are the stalls?
· Stalls are 2.4m (wide) x 7.5m (deep)
What can I sell?
- Second hand goods (household, clothing and footwear, collectables, fashion accessories, furniture, books, records etc.) and old or vintage wares
Have Your Say - click here.