A Neglected Resource – The Trader Hub
Most traders are regular readers of these pages (thank you one and all – Ed) but there is another web page for traders that is probably more neglected than it should be.
The Trader Hub is also set up to advise traders but with a unique function – it tells traders the state of their rent account and gives details of the leave they have taken and how much leave they have left. If a PE Trader wants to know how many Fridays they have left in their 8 week allowance, this is the place to find out. If a trader wants to know the status of their rent account and whether their payments line up with the QVM Invoices, this is the place to find out.
Traders need to remember their password details to log in but otherwise the process is quite painless and of course the information can be very useful. Probably the easiest way to get to the hub is to go to the QVM website (www.qvm.com.au) and click on the link right at the top of the page “Trader Hub”. You will need a trader number and a password to log-in and if you have any problems simply contact the office either by email (info@qvm.com.au) or by phone.
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