If you have even the slightest interest in setting up a
website or improving your current website then please read this.
I would like you to go to my website (click here), have a
quick look at one of the product pages, click on the “About” and “Contact”
pages and then come back here. ...... that site took just one hour for the
initial set up. I used a website builder called Weebly and I think the result
is streets ahead of what I had before. I can’t show you my old website because
I have now ditched it but it was a 10 year old design with a very cluttered and
unfriendly look by comparison.
The initial design and set up took an hour. You can experiment with Weebly (free of
charge) and test it for yourself. Entering in a range of products and hooking
up to payment systems took me another half day but much of that was redirecting
my current domain name to the new site. If you are registering a new web
address, then Weebly do all that for you. They also have all the eCommerce
facilities for you including standard merchant card facilities through Stripe and

Weebly isn’t the only easy web builder out there. Wix,
Jimdo, and GoDaddy are other options and I actually tried GoDaddy (who have an
Australian office) but found their web builder a little clunky by comparison. For a review of
all the main contenders go here - http://www.websitetooltester.com/en/website-builder-reviews/
The ease of setting up a website these days is quite
stunning. And you can play around for free with sites like Weebly. Traders who
would like assistance with the process are invited to telephone me on 0406 222
Greg Smith – QVMAC Trader Representative.