1. Myer to close its Top Ryde store in Sydney.
2. Growth in bottled water consumption has not changed since 2010.
3. A number of senior managers departing Woolworths following re-structure.
4. David Jones to renew focus on Asian customers.
5. Bang & Olufsen’s Australian business sold to owners of LK Boutiques.
6. Terry White acquires Chemplus pharmacy chain.
7. Radio Rentals bolsters results for Thorn Group.
8. McDonalds to stop reporting monthly sales as results disappoint.
9. Cartier says it won’t be embracing smart watch boom.
10. Woolworths do deal with Telstra to offer mobile services.
11. Adairs to be listed on stock exchange.
12. Super Retail Group is NRA Retailer of the Year.
13. Metcash reports profit hit as IGA experiences tough competition.