Thursday, 26 February 2015

Draft Master Plan Released This Morning

The QVM Draft Master Plan is about to be released by the City of Melbourne (Thursday morning) with media outlets taking up the news and, initially at least, concentrating on 7 day trading possibilities.
The Melbourne Age and Herald-Sun have articles this morning and they both talk about day and night trading opportunities and how the market can better serve its customers across a broader spread of hours.
We can expect the Draft master Plan to be available for web download soon and traders will be able to access a link on Victraders as soon as it becomes available. (see below)
Trader Representatives are currently looking at other ways to inform traders about the content of the Plan including an after-market information session in Shop 1, F shed on Tuesday and Thursday next week between 2:00pm and 4:00pm. Trader Representatives will be in attendance to talk direct with traders.

Here are the links to the Master Plan documentation. There are two documents - firstly the Draft Master Plan compiled by CoM, and secondly the Strategic Brief compiled by QVM. - Draft Master Plan in PDF format. - Draft Master Plan in Word format. - Strategic Brief in Word format.

26/02/2015 13:10:18 Renewal "Here we go again. The same old BS in a new cover. When will both management and CoM come to their senses and realize that the market is about people, traders and customers alike. This dressed up version is the original proposal with garnish to make it more palatable.It is no wonder that traders distrust management when we are fed on BS and kept in the dark. The final draft is now complete and has been provided to the City of Melbourne etc etc to quote a document I received Tuesday week ago. A meeting was held THIS Wednesday masquerading as consultation but was nothing more than an information session as the horse had bolted. I did not attend due to other commitments but this is not the way to gain favor.
Karl. ADK" Karl ADK  

26/02/2015 19:36:44 Karls comment on renewal "Sorry Karl - but you probably shouldn't have put "kept in the dark" and "I did not attend the meeting due to other commitments" in the same sentence. You need to make an effort to see the light."

27/02/2015 23:07:54 Market renewal, Karls comments. "I appreciate your view on seeing the light, the market is our lively hood and yes there are many things that the market needs to upgrade. I am not against change but not for simply changes sake. We have traded in the market for 65 years and have seen many changes, some good some not so good. Traders are the life blood of the market and work very hard for their living and should be respected. We need urgent repairs to existing infrastructure rather than a realignment of Franklin street, our current car park, although inadequate does not need to be turned into a park etc. My light is priorities for the benefit of traders and our customers. Looking forward to a bright future." Karl ADK