Wednesday, 31 December 2014
New Social Media Marketing For New Years Eve
Here is a link to the latest QVM social media promotion relating to New Years celebrations and QVM's offer.
Please note that you can access the latest marketing update at any time by clicking on the QVM Marketing Blog link under the SPECIAL LINKS heading at the top of the column on the right side of this page.
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Traders Comments - 30/12/2014
Some comments from traders over the last few days -
30/12/2014 20:58:14 Happy new year all. "Happy new year, health,happiness, above safe be well." Andy
29/12/2014 21:28:28 New Year Wishes "To all our fellow traders and management, may the new year be fruitfull (pun intended) and all endeavours successful.
Happy New Year." Karl ADK
29/12/2014 12:14:37 7 days trading 9-4 "The concept is great. the idea sounds great ... as long as our merchandise can be protected overnight, I would agree with this .."
26/12/2014 22:00:09 "Merry xmas ...happy new year." Andy
Have Your Say - click here.
Sunday, 28 December 2014
A Review Of Special Christmas Trading
QVM was open on Monday 22nd December and
Wednesday 24th December as additional trading days in the lead up to
Christmas and we were interested to find out from traders how they fared.
This is purely anecdotal feedback based on discussions with
traders and we welcome your feedback if your experience was different or if you
have any observations to make.
In the food areas, meat & fish hall, deli hall, and
fruit & vege aisles, trade was strong although some questioned the merits
of Monday trading. That appeared to be a quieter day.
In the top end there was a bit of a mixed bag although
Tuesday was strong with many surprised by the good business levels on
Wednesday. Monday was generally considered a quieter day although for a couple
of traders it was their best showing. The general consensus seemed to be that
the structured market set up in C, D, and E sheds looked good and worked well
on the special trading days.
Next year Christmas Day falls on a Friday and we will once
again need to consider the merits of Monday and Wednesday trading. There are
many who feel that quieter trading on those days is simply a price we pay for
providing convenience to our customers and the surety of continuous trading at
this important time of year.
QVMs Christmas Decorations Review For 2014
Christmas 2013 was a low point in decorating Melbourne’s
famous Queen Victoria market for Christmas and management and CoM agreed that
they would do much better for 2014. Well, did they? Here is our assessment
based on input from traders.

Golden Star
Decorations – these were re-painted for 2014 and really did sparkle. We can
also say that they were quite plentiful around the market but, a bit like our
Christmas tree, they were bland and really needed some added baubles or foliage.

Photo Stands –
These were positioned around the market and we noticed they were being used on
occasions by customers but not exactly embraced. A nice try.
Stall Decorations
- A few traders put some effort into
decorating their stalls and the Fruit & Vege traders in H shed probably did
the best collaborative presentation but, on the whole, traders were found
wanting. QVM is a big site and for Christmas decorations to have the right
impact we need a combination of management and trader input. We are a
traditional market and the tradition of Christmas could really fit well but a
lot more traders need to make the effort. Many of our traders are not
culturally attached to Christmas and will need some guidance on what may be
appropriate forms of decoration. These will be useful observations for next
year and possibly also for the upcoming Chinese New Year promotion.
In Summary – QVM and
CoM did do better than last year with decorating our market but there is a long
way to go if we are to meet reasonable expectations for one of the world’s
great markets. Traders also need to lift their game. And for a final word we
show you a photo of the incredible laser light display on our city hall this
year. That is the sort of commitment we are talking about!!!!
Permanent 7 Day Stalls – One Trader’s Controversial Idea.
QVM Renewal has brought with it much discussion about how our market can be re-vitalised and this trader has a controversial idea which has already gained support amongst some fellow traders.
Essentially his proposal is that permanent stalls would trade seven days per week in the same location. This would be done across the market and there would be no set up and pack down. Here are some of the features –
- Stock and fittings would remain on site.
- Each stall would be professionally merchandised (a bit like the Therry St. marquee).
- Effective weather-proofing around the market and between sheds would be essential.
- The market would operate 7 days per week between the hours of say 9:00am and 4:00pm providing predictable convenience for our customers.
- Vehicles and storage boxes would be kept out of the market with stock being trolleyed in from designated loading areas (a bit like what happens in the Deli Hall).
- Extra security would be required to safeguard stock with traders paying a small levy. (Savings on box hire and stall set-up would help cover the cost).
There is much to consider with this proposal. In the past, the idea has been rejected because permanent stalls are contrary to a traditional open market. But retailing is changing and, as customers look for more convenience in their shopping, this idea would make it easier to convert set-up and pack-up time to serving time. In other words we could trade longer each day without having to spend more time at the market.
The Therry St Marquee has given us a glimpse of how a well-merchandised market could look. Apparently every participant in that experiment applauded the convenience of leaving stock and displays on site.
The seven days per week proposal will raise some concerns for time poor small family businesses but, as our proponent has argued, the cost of organising staff to operate a stall for selected times should be covered by the additional trading opportunities.
Your comments are welcome.
Have Your Say – click here.
29/12/2014 12:14:37 7 days trading 9-4 "the concept is great. the idea sounds great ... as long as our merchandise can be protected overnight, i would agree with this .."
03/01/2015 13:48:51 Seven day trading "Seven days a week trading, fix trading time same for everyday. Fix location with weather and stocks protection will save cost and energy."
29/12/2014 12:14:37 7 days trading 9-4 "the concept is great. the idea sounds great ... as long as our merchandise can be protected overnight, i would agree with this .."
03/01/2015 13:48:51 Seven day trading "Seven days a week trading, fix trading time same for everyday. Fix location with weather and stocks protection will save cost and energy."
Wednesday, 24 December 2014
Lucky Christmas Cash Winners
Our final two winners before Christmas in the Cash Giveaway Promotion were both local customers. Sylvia from Keilor (seen in the photo with Bindi and Jenny Pyke) and young Samantha from Taylors Lakes.
Cindy from Customer Service in the F shed Shop 1 advised us that Samantha was having an absolute ball spending her vouchers and had returned to the Information Centre a number of times to get advice on where to source what she wanted in the market. As Cindy said - "It is fantastic to see a happy little girl with the winning prize on Christmas eve! Pure gold. A perfect ending to the pre-Christmas mayhem and all the hard work!"
Have Your Say - click here.
Cindy from Customer Service in the F shed Shop 1 advised us that Samantha was having an absolute ball spending her vouchers and had returned to the Information Centre a number of times to get advice on where to source what she wanted in the market. As Cindy said - "It is fantastic to see a happy little girl with the winning prize on Christmas eve! Pure gold. A perfect ending to the pre-Christmas mayhem and all the hard work!"
Have Your Say - click here.
Merry Christmas
To all traders and their families past and present.....
To all members of the management team and the contractors
who support our market including cleaning staff and security staff.....
To Board members and CoM staff and officials.........
To our wonderful customers from Melbourne, regional areas,
interstate and all around the world......
We wish you all a Merry Christmas
Sunday, 21 December 2014
Shopping Bags Stand Out
It was a nice touch for QVM management to hand out free paper carry bags this week. The paper bags seemed reasonable quality and used re-cycled materials.
They were certainly a cut above the normal cheap plastic rubbish most of us traders use and wasn't it great to see the QVM logo on a quality bag out and about rather than one of the recent international fly-ins that seem to be dominating CBD retailing.
We wonder how many traders would like to get regular access to bags like this?
Have Your Say - click here.
Management have advised that more paper bags are available at F shed Shop 1 from Wednesday morning - traders can just call in. - Ed
They were certainly a cut above the normal cheap plastic rubbish most of us traders use and wasn't it great to see the QVM logo on a quality bag out and about rather than one of the recent international fly-ins that seem to be dominating CBD retailing.
We wonder how many traders would like to get regular access to bags like this?
Have Your Say - click here.
Management have advised that more paper bags are available at F shed Shop 1 from Wednesday morning - traders can just call in. - Ed
Local Winner For Cash Giveaway
Friday's Cash Giveaway winner was Shani from Bentleigh. Shani is shown in our photo with Mark from Eggporium who drew out her lucky number and earned her $500. Shani shops weekly at QVM and after a string of tourist winners it was nice for a local shopper to share in the riches.
Saturday's draw failed to get a winner so $500 went to the Royal Children's Hospital. The large crowd attending the draw in Therry St. could be forgiven for being disappointed at not winning but in fact applauded loudly when it was announced that the hospital would be the beneficiary. This promotion has generated a lot of good feeling in many different ways.
QVM Reject Rent Relief Proposal Following Music Week
QVM have rejected a proposal by Trader Representatives for rent
abatement for traders in the JKL block for the two Sundays of Melbourne Music
Week. Trade on those two Sundays was restricted by a number of issues including
loud music and profane lyrics.
We understand that individual claims for loss of business during the event are
still being considered.
Saturday, 20 December 2014
Latest Retail News – 21/12/2014
Latest Retail News – 21/12/2014
1. Domino’s opens 1400th pizza store.
2. Gloria Jean’s stores close in India.
3. Avon to pay US$100m in case involving claims of bribing Chinese officials.
4. Lindt re-opens stores following deadly Sydney siege.
5. Harbour Town Shopping Centre sold.
6. UK supermarkets slash prices in fight against German discounters.
7. Jones the Grocer in administration.
8. Pizza Hut launches digital menu that tracks customer eye movements.
9. Coles settles with ACCC over claims of unconscionable conduct with suppliers.
10. Noni B expects third consecutive annual loss.
Some High Profile Retailers In Difficulty
The difficulties of retailing in the current economic climate
have once again been highlighted with some key businesses going into
receivership in recent weeks.
Following on from the news that bakery chain Pieface was up for
sale after trading difficulties (with Woolworths being a potential buyer), the
high-end grocery chain, Jones & Co, has succumbed to administration and now
we hear that menswear chain, Man To Man, is in difficulty and buyers are being
Jones & Co has around 20 stores with 4 in Australia and
others in NZ, Qatar, Singapore and United Arab Emirates. Its Australian
operation including food wholesaling has been affected by the receivership.
Man To Man has 82 stores across Australia and turned over $39m in
2014. It reported that it was in difficulty after a failed investment in a
footwear chain and administrators are hopeful of selling the business as a
going concern.
Successful Cash Giveaway Was This Trader's Idea
The idea for our daily cash giveaway event came from Jason following a promotion he was involved in at a market in Tasmania. Jason mentioned the idea to one of our Trader Representatives, who mentioned it to our CEO, who suggested our marketing people look at it, and we ended up with the promotion we have today. It seems to be generally recognised as a low cost but very effective form of marketing that has created a real buzz around QVM.
Jason would like to see some changes to the format. He would like to see tickets being tied in some way to purchases within the market and he would like to see some jackpots because jackpots really attracted crowds when he was involved in the Tasmanian event. A full appraisal of the QVM Cash Giveaway will be conducted after Christmas.
Jason tries to play down his role in this promotion. He says he was just proposing somebody else's idea but all good ideas have to start somewhere and Jason made sure we found out about this one. Just like in a game of Australian Rules Football it is the extra effort, the 1%’ers, that add up to success. Hopefully we are starting to rack up a few of those 1%’ers as we compete against every other retail centre in Australia.
Have Your Say - click here.
Jason would like to see some changes to the format. He would like to see tickets being tied in some way to purchases within the market and he would like to see some jackpots because jackpots really attracted crowds when he was involved in the Tasmanian event. A full appraisal of the QVM Cash Giveaway will be conducted after Christmas.
Jason tries to play down his role in this promotion. He says he was just proposing somebody else's idea but all good ideas have to start somewhere and Jason made sure we found out about this one. Just like in a game of Australian Rules Football it is the extra effort, the 1%’ers, that add up to success. Hopefully we are starting to rack up a few of those 1%’ers as we compete against every other retail centre in Australia.
Have Your Say - click here.
Thursday, 18 December 2014
Latest Radio Ad Highlights Free Parking
The following link is for QVM's radio advertisement commencing Friday for the free
parking offer for Mon-Wed next week. This will be playing until Wednesday
afternoon across Mix
101, Fox FM, Triple M & 3AW during various breakfast, morning and
afternoon segments.
To hear the ad simply clink the link and download the audio file to your computer.
To hear the ad simply clink the link and download the audio file to your computer.
Radio Ad - Christmas Parking Offer
Market To Focus On Chinese New Year Celebrations
QVM will be promoting Chinese New Year celebrations through a series of activities linked with Melbourne’s high profile in Chinese tourism.
As part of a co-operative marketing campaign QVM events will be promoted through
- Chinese Official Visitor Guide customised wrap
- Melbourne Official Visitor Guide customised wrap
- Australian Chinese News
- Website listing on website (both Chinese and English versions)
- Promoted through Herald Sun advertising
- Discover Your Own Backyard Campaign
Over 10 days of festivities (19th February - 1st March), visitors to QVM will experience traditional Chinese lion and dragon dances, a lantern display in the Food Court and a 15 meter long dragon which will be positioned at the end of Queen Street where the Christmas tree currently sits.
Traders will be encouraged to decorate their shops and stalls to help celebrate Chinese New Year and Chinese traders will be highlighted in feature blog articles on the QVM website. Traders who would like to be featured can contact the editor or email
Have Your Say - click here.
New Blog Promotes Traders
Two of QVM’s marketing staff have created a new blog
designed to highlight some of the wonderful produce and products available at
our market.
With over 800 businesses at QVM it is difficult to keep
track of all the products available and whilst there are many mainstay products
which are obvious to most of our customers, there are also many hidden treasures
that need more exposure.
Here is the link to the new blog -
The blog contains interesting and useful information including a list of all
the latest twitter feeds going out to all our customers on social media.
Box Hire Penalties For Call Outs
Two of our box hire operators, B&R Moulton Containers
and R&H Storage Facilities have joined forces to form a new service company
to run their day to day businesses.
The new arrangement has brought with it some new conditions
and fees including a call out fee of $50 (plus $10 per box) for after hours
retrieval of boxes. Cancellations before 6:00pm the previous day will be exempt
from the fees.
Full details are available from QVM Logistic Solutions (0449
088 933) and are explained in a leaflet being distributed to stallholders.
Sunday, 14 December 2014
Latest Retail News - 14/12/2014
Latest Retail Sales - 14/12/2014
1. US retail sales on the rise - plus 5.7% over last 12 months.
2. Godfrey's share price up 3.6% on first day of trade.
3. Woollies sells Brickworks Marketplace in Adelaide for estimated $75m.
4. Westpac says latest consumer confidence drop "very disturbing".
5. Online e-tailer, Shoes of Prey, opens first store in Sydney.
6. US home appliance giant, Best Buy, leaves China
7. Woolworths shows interest in collapsed bakery chain, Pieface.
8. Oroton predicts disappointing first half as it cuts back on discounting.
9. NZ Post sells off its Australian courier business, Couriers Please.
10. Woolworths buys one of China’s largest alcoholic drink businesses.
1. US retail sales on the rise - plus 5.7% over last 12 months.
2. Godfrey's share price up 3.6% on first day of trade.
3. Woollies sells Brickworks Marketplace in Adelaide for estimated $75m.
4. Westpac says latest consumer confidence drop "very disturbing".
5. Online e-tailer, Shoes of Prey, opens first store in Sydney.
6. US home appliance giant, Best Buy, leaves China
7. Woolworths shows interest in collapsed bakery chain, Pieface.
8. Oroton predicts disappointing first half as it cuts back on discounting.
9. NZ Post sells off its Australian courier business, Couriers Please.
10. Woolworths buys one of China’s largest alcoholic drink businesses.
Saturday, 13 December 2014
More Cash Giveaway Winners
The Cash Giveaway rolls into its second week and more happy customers have set off on a spending spree around the market. Here are some recent recipients -
Fridays winner, Pong, is from Tarneit and can almost be considered a local but his visit to QVM was for the purpose of buying souvenirs for his family to take on an overseas trip. Pong won't be able to go because of an injury to his hand so he is going to keep some of his $500 winnings as consolation while the rest of his family is away.
Our next photo shows staff member Bindi with Linda who was Saturday's winner. Linda is from Shepparton although she worked in Melbourne for many years and used to come to the market most lunch times. She still visits regularly and was very excited to receive her $500 Cash Giveaway............................ and so was trader Adi from the JLP Outback stall in C shed who received some of Linda's gift
vouchers in a sale.
Have Your Say - click here.
Fridays winner, Pong, is from Tarneit and can almost be considered a local but his visit to QVM was for the purpose of buying souvenirs for his family to take on an overseas trip. Pong won't be able to go because of an injury to his hand so he is going to keep some of his $500 winnings as consolation while the rest of his family is away.
Our next photo shows staff member Bindi with Linda who was Saturday's winner. Linda is from Shepparton although she worked in Melbourne for many years and used to come to the market most lunch times. She still visits regularly and was very excited to receive her $500 Cash Giveaway............................ and so was trader Adi from the JLP Outback stall in C shed who received some of Linda's gift
vouchers in a sale.

Have Your Say - click here.
Traders Breakfast Photos
Friday morning's breakfast for traders was ably conducted by members of the management team and got a positive response from traders.
Latecomers missed out on the lobster tails (only joking) but there were plenty of sausages, onions and bacon to go around.
Setting up duties meant that most traders could only spend 10 minutes or so to socialise but the general consensus seemed to be that this was a worthwhile event and should be repeated next year, perhaps with a 6:00am to 8:00am spread (and more lobster tails).
Here are some photos -
Have Your Say - click here.
13/12/2014 08:13:14 Friday breakfast "A thank you to management for this opportunity. It was not about the sausage sizzle but about being able to get together in a neutral setting. It was an opportunity to openly communicate. I learned a lot that has given me a new perspective on several matters and clarified others.
I now feel I owe an apology to management for my rant the other day re additional rent for SL licence holders. A complete explanation makes a huge difference, not saying I totally agree but can now see where management is coming from. It is not a them and us attitude, we all want the best outcomes for QVM, we just have differences in how to get there." Karl, ADK
Special Customer Parking Deal For Christmas
have announced a special car parking arrangement during Christmas week for QVM
will be allowed 3 hours free parking at any time of day with a maximum fee of
It is
hoped that the special arrangement will encourage patronage at this very important
trading time.
The allocation of C, D, and E sheds for the special Christmas
Monday and Wednesday markets will allow additional car parking for customers in
J, K, and L sheds on those days.
Friday, 12 December 2014
Compensation For Music Week
Compensation For Music Week
The cut off point for traders to make compensation claims for Music Week disruption is this coming Tuesday 16th December.
Trader Representatives have made a blanket claim for rent relief for traders who traded on the two Sundays in J,K, and L sheds between the MMW stage area and the bottom walkway and we are waiting on a response from management. However individual traders who believe they have a claim for lost business need to apply in writing by mail to The Manager, QVM Pty. Ltd., 513 Elizabeth St. Melbourne, or via email to
Circumstances that may justify a claim include -
1. Permanent Traders who were displaced by Music Week and could not be offered equivalent space.
2. Permanent Traders who could not be offered any space and went home.
3. Permanent Traders who were relocated multiple times throughout the event.
4. Permanent Traders who suffered from disrupted customer flow caused by aisle closures - e.g. J shed traders.
5. Casual Traders who could reasonably expect to trade but were sent home or discouraged from attending the market.
Traders who believe they have a claim will need to provide supporting evidence including sales figures and historical trading data.
Sunday, 7 December 2014
Free Breakfast For Traders This Friday
QVM is putting on a free breakfast this coming Friday morning and in an historic moment for management/trader relations the chefs will be management staff.
Management will prepare and provide breakfast for traders between 6:00am and 7:00am on Friday 12th December at the top end of A shed. There will be festivities including a visit from Santa and all traders need to bring is a healthy appetite.
You may not normally get to the market this early but an opportunity for as free breakfast served up by management staff sounds too good to miss. And what a great opportunity to socialise with fellow traders.
Have Your Say - click here.
Management will prepare and provide breakfast for traders between 6:00am and 7:00am on Friday 12th December at the top end of A shed. There will be festivities including a visit from Santa and all traders need to bring is a healthy appetite.
You may not normally get to the market this early but an opportunity for as free breakfast served up by management staff sounds too good to miss. And what a great opportunity to socialise with fellow traders.
Have Your Say - click here.
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Giveaway Winner wants A Pet Duck
Young Sahara was the lucky winner of Saturday's Traders Cash Giveaway. She was very excited with her win and when asked by her Mother what she wanted to buy, she said a live baby duck. That was going to be a problem with the family flying back to Adelaide in a few days but no doubt she found many other items to choose from around the market.
The family asked for a copy of the photo of the presentation and her is the text of our email to them -
The family asked for a copy of the photo of the presentation and her is the text of our email to them -
Hello Everybody,
Attached is the photo of Saturday's giveaway presentation at The Queen Victoria Market.
Sahara was a delightful recipient and traders are very happy she was able to share in our promotion.
Interstate and intrastate
visitors are a very important part of our customer base at QVM. We look
forward to seeing you all again on your next visit to Melbourne and the
Best Regards
Greg Smith
On behalf of QVM Traders.
Friday, 5 December 2014
Traders Cash Giveaway Rolls On
We understand that the F1 shop ran out of entry forms during
the week which suggests that customer interest in our Cash Giveaway is gaining
The buzz created on site with Harry’s music cart and the theatre
created by a public draw in Queen St. is being supported by radio advertising
encouraging customers to come along and participate. Following is a basic script
from one of next week’s live radio advertisements on FOX radio.
“It’s Christmas time at Queen Victoria
And the Queen Vic traders are celebrating
the festive season by rewarding customers with a daily cash prize every Market
Walk the Christmas Trail and take
photos with your friends and family.
Every weekend the kids can meet Santa
and have their face painted
between 10am and 2pm
Plus there’s a Christmas Market from
Craft Markets Australia today in L Shed .
For more on what’s happening during December at Queen
Victoria Market, see”
Special Trading Arrangement At Christmas
Last week’s QVM
letter to all traders regarding arrangements for additional trading days at
Christmas raised concerns from traders on two fronts.
Firstly there
was the decision to treat the additional Monday and Wednesday trading days in
Christmas week as “special markets” rather than just apply the standard
template. Using past practice, the Monday would have been declared, say a “Tuesday”,
for the purpose of stall allocations and the Wednesday, say a “Thursday”.
Traders like the comfort of knowing where they are likely to trade when
deciding whether to take up extra trading opportunities.
However, QVM
wants to allocate stalls on these two days in a structured way that will avoid
last year’s blank spaces (apparently there were a number of absentees) and make
our market look more appealing to customers. In addition they want to create
extra parking for our customers at this very busy time for the market. The plan
is to create a full market in C, D, and E sheds on the Monday and Wednesday with
car parking extending from the asphalt car park into J, K, and L sheds as it
does normally on non-trading days. We understand that Market Officers have
already started the process of asking applicants where they would like to be positioned
in C, D, and E sheds and they will be making every effort to accommodate individual
wishes. If C, D, and E sheds become full, the market will extend into J shed.
point of concern related to SL traders who trade on Thursdays and Fridays having to pay extra rent
for the
additional trading days. Rents have been announced for the
special markets at $23.45 per single stall. Essentially there is
no argument with PE License
holders paying rent. They only pay for the days they operate
their stalls. SL Traders on the other hand pay monthly rental which includes trading
and non-trading days, and public holidays which happen to fall on normal
trading days. It was felt that SL traders, having lost two trading days
(Thursday Christmas Day and Friday Boxing Day) were being unfairly treated. In
a sense they have already paid for those days in their monthly rent and asking
them to pay additional rent for the special Monday and Wednesday required
Representatives and management discussed this issue at length at a special meeting on Thursday and management
have today announced a compromise that will allow SL traders a rebate. “If an SL
trader trades on both the Monday and the Wednesday, the cost of 1 day will be
rebated (ie: the trader will get 2 days trade for the price of 1). The rebate will be processed to your account
after Christmas.”
Full details
will be explained in a special Trader Bulletin to be distributed over the
Have Your Say - click here.
05/12/2014 20:39:42 Monday, and Wed special market days. "I wonder if we will have power allocated to us traders who need it to operate? We have it at our regular stalls on the market days we trade, but what will happen if they move us to the other sheds??? Looks like well not be able to trade."
Management have confirmed that they will be providing electricity for traders who currently have the facility on their normal trading site. Traders will need to specify that in their application. - Ed.
06/12/2014 09:01:23 Special trading days "From past years , the car park was not full, trade on Mondays and we'd were like a regular trading as far as turnover, leave traders be. We can not be moved all the way to the other side of the will not work ."
Have Your Say - click here.
05/12/2014 20:39:42 Monday, and Wed special market days. "I wonder if we will have power allocated to us traders who need it to operate? We have it at our regular stalls on the market days we trade, but what will happen if they move us to the other sheds??? Looks like well not be able to trade."
Management have confirmed that they will be providing electricity for traders who currently have the facility on their normal trading site. Traders will need to specify that in their application. - Ed.
06/12/2014 09:01:23 Special trading days "From past years , the car park was not full, trade on Mondays and we'd were like a regular trading as far as turnover, leave traders be. We can not be moved all the way to the other side of the will not work ."
Cruise Ship Tour To Visit Market
QVM have given us a briefing on the 2014/15 cruise ship season and the arrangements to bring cruise ship tourists to our market. The first QVM tour will occur tomorrow, Saturday 6th December.
Here is the detail of their briefing -
The main Inbound Tour Operator for Port of Melbourne "..........manage shore excursion programs for major brands along with a number of independent and smaller operators including:
- P&O (Pacific Dawn, Pacific Jewel, Pacific Pearl)
- Princess Cruises (Dawn Princess, Diamond Princess)
- Royal Caribbean (Radiance of the Seas, Voyager of the Seas, Rhapsody of the Seas)
- Carnival Cruises (Carnival Spirit, Carnival Legend)
Queen Victoria Market is featured on two of the shore excursions, which include direct coach transfers from Port Melbourne to QVM.
1) Melbourne Shopping Tour
- 4 hour tour
- Includes return bus transfers ex Port Melbourne
- Stops include Queen Victoria Market, DFO South Wharf and Harbour Town Shopping Centre
2) Queen Victoria Market Tour
- 4 hour drop off at Queen Victoria Market
- Includes return bus transfers ex Port Melbourne
On Saturday 6 December we are expecting 100 passengers from the Pacific Dawn to be dropped off at the Market as part of the Melbourne Shopping Tour. For the tour we provide a shopping bag and market brochure, participants are free to shop at their own leisure. “
We would be very interested in receiving feedback from traders on their experience with this group.
Have Your Say - click here.
06/12/2014 19:11:32 cruise tours "Would tourist be required to pay for this tours? If so it will not encourage them to spend additional money at the market. With the money allocated to promote the market why not have free shuttle buses to and from the pier. "
We understand these are paid tours which is a common facility on cruise ships. The cost of free shuttle buses has to be met by someone and traders have considered financing free buses with contributions something like what we are doing with the current cash giveaway. We will ask marketing to explain how the current "paid tours" arrangement works, whether there is a cost for QVM and how that compares with actually hiring a dedicated bus. - Ed
07/12/2014 22:25:58 cruise ship passengers "I didn't see any of them on Saturday." Leah
08/12/2014 22:19:37 Cruise Tours "The way that cruise tours work is that each port has a selection of pre arranged tour packages to choose from, you select and you pay. For Melbourne, in the case of the recent visit of Celebrity Century, Tour ML80 is Queen Victoria Market on your own. Adult 43.75 USD, Child 43.75 USD. Duration four hours departing 9am. Many passengers opt to do their own thing. There is little promotional information on board the cruise ships. If you wish to look over a report I prepared re the cruise ships and view the Melbourne tour options listing I will leave a copy at the American Doughnut Kitchen from Tuesday 8/12." Karl, ADK
Monday, 1 December 2014
Traders Comments - 1/12/2014
Here are some early comments from this weekend's articles. Keep them coming!
01/12/2014 09:57:44 Giveaway Voucher "I think it would be a better idea, if we announce two winners every market day with a prize money of $250 each. May be one at 11:00 am and the other one at 1:00 pm. In this case there would be more prize winners and more sales activities in favour of all the stall holders."
30/11/2014 19:57:07 Christmas Decorations "Just wanted to know if all the Christmas decorations were up now or is there more to come? The re vamp of the stars at the end of each shed is a great start but is that it ! A tree and some new, or should I say old but updated stars, is all we get !!!! Just think of how many people flock to see the Myers Window! If we could have all those people come to the Q V M to see our decorations think of all thoses extra customers! Why is it that an icon like the Q V M has the most crap Christmas Decorations in the city! Crown Does it so well ! We should be a destination point for Melbourne for everyone to come to at Christmas."
01/12/2014 13:14:28 Christmas decorations "I agree the decorations do not knock your socks off.the decorations at Crown are magical,perhaps the QVM could' be some where in between."
01/12/2014 13:57:38 Trader Give Away "As ALL TRADERS, SHOPS, DELI, MEAT & FISH are required to take the QVM gift vouchers are we not giving them our form of cash.........They are able to spend these vouchers at any location within the QVM. The other notion you need to note, is that this giveaway is FREE to enter, they are not required to purchase a ticket, not even required to make a purchase within the market. All they need to do is collect a ticket and be at the market at 12pm......its not like they even need to wait around...... the weekday office workers can walk over at 11:55 grab a ticket, wait for the draw, if they win collect $500 (at the moment $250 cash) and walk away.....nothing making them spend the vouchers even, as they have $250 cash for going on a lunch break. A trader comment says lets give away 2 x $250 prizes, your article says the average spend is $100, so why not give away 5 x $100 prizes throughout the day......use the same raffle tickets, and make the draw every 30 mins from 10:30 till 1:00. that keeps people in the market, gives them multiple chances to win...... As the office would now know how much the traders are putting towards the draw (they would have of put the charges to those who did not say ""NO"" today, so if we have more than 250 traders supplying $1 each, lets say we have 500 traders all putting in $1, then the office is matching it, so that $1000 per day, we could offer that 5 x $200 vouchers, and if not claimed before the next draw it should jackpot, so it creates more interest in each draw throughout the day." Lance
01/12/2014 22:10:00 The Ticket Draw "I agree , two draws x $ 250 , 2 times, or even 4 draws x $125 - all spending vouches...would benefit market traders ." Andy
02/12/2014 21:05:43 Christmas/New Year trading "I am a SL Trader, after reading through the letter from QVM sent to me regarding to the Christmas/New Year trading day as well as talk to the office. My understanding is that I will be additionally charged for the two days ( Mon, Wed) if I would like to trade on those days. Being an SL trader mean I already paid for those day in my monthly rental, why on earth I have to pay more for something I have already paid for anyway."
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