
Thursday, 27 March 2014

Traders Comments On Preferred Car Park Option

Thank you to all these contributors - 

25/03/2014 19:21:15 renewal /grouping "we kept on hearing that ""they care what we think"" re the renewal process. "make sure you share your thoughts"" we were told.
If we were to do a straw poll we would find that nearly 100% of people would be against an underground car park, causing major shifts around the place etc, but amazingly ABC shed car park is all we hear about, and look most likely to go ahead. 
Can i also add, i'm actually neither pro or against the car park, it might just work with parklands, I'm just pointing out, no matter what we say,  we have no weight in the outcome, they will do what they want."
There is another possibility for the underground option coming up over recent years. Maybe it is the best option for the market. Construction inconvenience is never going to make it the best short term option for traders but, all things considered, perhaps it is best for the market long term. We also need to  consider that it not just about car parking but also loading bays, cool rooms, and food preparation areas as well. Perhaps we should have a meeting to talk through all the car park options with traders, and more importantly, what  measures are needed to soften the impact if underground is the final option.- Ed

27/03/2014 10:43:58 Underground car park "In your points you mention that the underground car park is quoted at approx $40 million to complete for the same number of spaces.......
Why are we even contemplating building a new car park, that has the same number of spaces? Is this not a waste of time and money, and not to mention the impact to the livelyhoods to all of the market traders. We already have issues with a car park that is not able to cope with the all it is required to do, ie: market office staff, security staff, fruit & veggie trucks, general merchandise traders, box hire staff and the staff of stall holders within the market parking within this car parking using a large portion already. 
We need a larger car park, not one the same size."
Great point - if we are looking to the future, and also removing traders vehicles from selling areas, we are going to need more than our current 700 or so car spots. - Ed

27/03/2014 11:56:45 Multi level car park on current site "It's strange that we can't entertain the thought of a multi-level car park on the current site, based on the fact of ""federation square of the north"" premise. Lets look at things, Franklin street to be converted to apartments Existing Car park site to have Franklin street rerouted through it and park installed Why can't the multi level car park be put over the existing car park, the road be moved to be beneath the car park, and the park be installed on top of the car park. It could be a roof top garden. The car park could be made to look like a building, by enclosing the outer area with windows to stop the look of the car park. This then makes it look nice, and gives the city of Melbourne it's new park, despite a massive park across the road. "
Some more great points. Thanks - Ed.

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