
Saturday, 26 October 2013

QVM Needs An App

With mobile phones becoming increasingly popular with customers for retail engagement is it time QVM looked at creating its own app?

Apps are used by all the major department stores, most retail chains and most shopping centres. An app is a great way of guiding customers to the services offered by retailers and can offer a range of functions, even direct online purchases.

One key basic function of an app is to act as a directory and there are few places more confusing and more in need of directory advice than our own Queen Victoria Market. At the recent trader's meeting, Jan Cochrane-Harry raised the possibility of re-introducing an information booth to assist our customers. Not only do we have over 800 businesses spread over 7 hectares but many of our  traders change positions each trading day.

Add in different trading hours for different market sectors, no trading on Mondays and Wednesdays, and a confusing shed/aisle identification system, and we can understand why our customers need help. An app is a great way of feeding information to people and letting them concentrate on the central reason for visiting our market - to buy products.

A key ingredient of our iconic shopping experience at QVM is stepping back in time but when it comes to technology we need to look ahead. This is all about customer service and an app could be a great way of enhancing our appeal as a shopping destination.

Thanks to trader, Krista, for raising this idea.