There was a suggestion in the Melbourne press during the week that the MCC budget for QVM included provision for market renewal. Our interpretation of the budget is that it contains pretty standard maintenance and replacement works provisions. Apart from provision of $100K to gain trader acceptance to a vision for the renewal project, there are no substantial "renewal" items. Here is the detail of how the 2013-14 Melbourne
City Council Expenditure on QVM will be allocated. - Taken from the MCC website.
QVM Light
Replacement A-E Sheds 100,000
QVM Veranda
Replacement Peel Street 65,000
QVM - Upgrade of
Carpark Equipment 405,698
QVM - Carpark Asphalt
Resurfacing 180,000
QVM Minor Renewal
Works 315,000
QVM Solar Panels
QVM Resurfacing H
& I Sheds 75,000
QVM Precinct
Enhancement 100,000
TOTAL $1,383,673