
Tuesday, 19 March 2013

New Products 2 – Women’s Exercise Wear

Following our post on the “toys from drawings” idea we have identified another possible growing market in the fashion category.
Traders Representatives attended a study tour at Doncaster Shopping Town a couple of weeks ago and your editor couldn’t help but notice the number of mall customers dressed in exercise wear. Doncaster does have its own gymnasium but a few enquiries indicated that exercise wear is as much a fashion statement as anything else. Casual clothing has a whole new acceptance when it is related to the wholesome pursuit of health. 

Of course we are not talking just trakkie pants here but colourful tights, loose fitting multiple T and singlet tops, and the new brightly coloured sports shoes. Retailers like Lorna Jane are making big business out of the genre and the number of sports gear retailers at Doncaster is further evidence of a growing market. Some of our sports shoe stalls seem to be up with the trend but not sure about the other fashion items.