Friday, 14 December 2012

Traders Must Maintain The Mystery

There was an article in The Age this week headed “The End of Overseas Shopping” which raised some interesting concepts about new consumerism and perhaps identified an opportunity for QVM traders.

Shoppers can of course travel the world to shop and they can do it all from their lounge rooms. For many customers it is no longer necessary to set off to your country of choice with an empty suitcase but does online really satisfy the excitement of finding that special product as you move from shop to shop (or stall to stall) on a traditional shopping trip?
In the mail this week, my household received a catalogue entitled “Hard to Find”. As the name suggests it contained  a whole range of products that are not mainstream, a little out of the ordinary, and not found on every street corner (or website) although ironically it is all accessed online.
Traders who have products that are new, rare, and not readily available online are likely to excite their customers and keep them coming back. Don’t have any products in that category? Maybe that is your challenge for 2013.