Melbourne Central have built a unique pop-up shop on their second floor mall area to give shoppers a breather from their shopping and provide inspiration for gift buying.
The pop-up showcases select gifts from various retailers in the centre and helps shoppers get inspiration without the clutter. Visitors can also receive things like invigorating facial spritzes, energising fresh apples and beverages, Crabtree and Evelyn hand massages, and Kikki. K ‘to do’ lists. The sense of theatre has added a new dimension to retailing at Melbourne Central and allows management and retailers to cameo interesting aspects of their offer.
Some time ago we wrote to management seeking something similar for QVM. We proposed a suitable pop-up structure in Queen St. that would allow different traders to display some of their key products. It was suggested that the pop-up could be manned by traders on a rotational basis for a couple of hour each day and business cards and directions could be offered to interested shoppers. We saw it as a viable way of feeding Queen St. pedestrian traffic into the top of the market.
Maybe it is time we re-visited the idea. What do you think?