
Sunday, 13 November 2011

Market Interview - Drita

Name? Drita
Born? Aussie
What do you do/sell at the market? Souvenirs
How long have you been at the market? 27 years but here as a 3 year old.
What do you like best about the market? - Atmosphere
Worst moment? Severe weather hot or cold.
Past jobs? None - straight into family business.
Sporting interests?  Follow basketball and tennis.
One thing nobody knows about you? No secrets here.
Favorite food? Snitzel chicken.
Favorite drink? Cocktails
Favorite TV show/ movie ? Big Bang Theory.  Heaps of movies but no favorites.
Favorite band? Crowded House
If you had your Sunday arvo free from the market, what would you do? Lunch with friends.
If you were given a 2 week free holiday anywhere around the where would you go?  New York, Paris.
Have you ever had any interesting experiences at a relaxation retreat that may have involved a massage?  No comment. Strictly a need to know basis.
(That last question was supplied / requested by Michael (Biscuits) and Pete (Cleaner))

Thanks Drita

Interviewed by Tony