You will be aware that trader volunteers have responded to trader sentiment by circulating a petition to complain about the planned 3.8% rent increase for license holders. A leaflet outlining our concerns has been distributed to traders and is copied below.
A meeting was held yesterday between trader representatives and QVM management. Vigorous discussion surrounded the points mentioned in our leaflet and we are now waiting on management to respond. In the meantime trader representatives will continue to circulate traders for support signatures. We are pleased to report over 95% participation.
“Dear Traders,
We intend approaching QVM management requesting a review of their intended Stall Fee increases.
Our argument is basically this:
1. We are already paying too much. General Merchandise Traders pay approx. 60% of the total Stall Fees of the day Market, but only get, at best, 20% of people coming to the Market.
2. Many of the “increasing operational costs” mentioned by Market Management are of no benefit to us, yet we still pay for them via our rental fees.
3. We are paying more for our stall but earning much less.
4. Melbourne City Council is already receiving more money than expected from the market, so why should we be giving them even more.
5. The market is claiming increased marketing spend and we say “It’s about time!” Years of inadequate promotion of the top end of the market needs correcting. When that marketing spend produces real results we will be happy to look at rent increases.
6. As for providing retailer training – we didn’t ask for more training. Management offered training as a “free” resource for traders. To now seek a rent increase to cover the cost is totally inappropriate.
If you would like to speak to someone about your opinion or concerns on this matter, feel free to contact your Advisory Committee members.
If you would like to actively support traders in addressing this matter please give your name and contact details to the Trader who gave you this letter.”