
Friday, 28 October 2011

No Such Thing As Bad Customer Days

I have a theory. We don’t get bad-customer days. We get lack-of-good-customer days. Don’t turn off just yet. My argument does get better.
We all know our painful customers. Those that seem to be wasting our time, can’t make up their mind, or are just plain difficult. I believe they are part of our customer content on every trading day. They may be visiting the market for blue widgets but happen to pass by your red widgets and, mildly interested, they decide to have a look. There is no way they are going to buy today but they are bankable for later on and deserve our courteous attention. We can all be bad customers – just wandering into a store without any intention of buying. Of course, that doesn't really make us bad customers. It's just a normal part of the shopping process.
The good customers come in and buy. They are focussed and ready to do business. If we get enough of them we feel good about our day and handling the bad customers in between is no real chore. If the good customers are missing, it is a different ball game and we struggle to maintain our friendly customer service approach.
What’s my point? Don’t blame the bad customers for a bad day. Blame the good customers for not turning up. Put the bad customers in the bank for the future by being courteous and helpful. They will remember you when they are looking for red widgets.

There - aren't you glad you kept on reading?
Widget – an unnamed or hypothetical manufactured item.