What do you do/sell at the market? Womens fashion clothing.
How long have you been at the market? - 20 years
What do you like best about the market? - More traffic flow of customers coming into your stall than a clothing shop and Joe Favata.
Worst moment? - Having to front up to certain stallholders after the pies lost to Brisbane in the grand final.
Past jobs? - Ojay women's clothing head office and Adacs security company.
Sporting interests? - Collingwood, Manchester United, Melbourne Storm, destruction of the A league.
If you were CEO for a day? – I’d fire Pete the cleaner.
One thing nobody knows about you? I open mouth kissed a horse once, but that's another story
Favorite food? - Steak
Favorite drink? -Coke
Favorite TV show? - Seinfeld
What is the best piece of advice you've ever been given? “Winning isn't everything....it's the only thing.”
“It's not a lie if you believe it” is an equal tie for best piece of advice.
If you had your Sunday arvo free from the market, what would you do? Get together with friends that you never see from working on the weekends.
If Collingwood won the grand final this year would you like Mick to continue as coach Y or N and why? - No I wouldn't. I'm ready for Bucks to take our game to a new level
Thanks Mark
Interviewed by Tony