One of the major convenience factors for customers buying online is that, in most cases, they receive home delivery. Usually this is through the postal system or perhaps a courier service allied to major freight companies. Waiting for an item to arrive is apparently a price many consumers are prepared to pay. The convenience of home delivery outweighs the need to pick up the goods by going shopping.
The QVM master plan is to be released this June and under consideration is a proposal by Councillor Peter Clarke that includes home delivery from the market to customers. The model is based on food in the city area but we don’t see why the concept couldn’t be given wider application so that it included all market traders. Some General Merchandise Traders already offer mailing services but many don’t and, as online buying becomes more common, it is likely that consumers will expect home delivery as a normal service.
Imagine a central drop off point at the QVM that facilitated Australia wide delivery for all traders. It could be run by a major national transport operator at volume discount rates and theoretically could offer same day or next day delivery. We expect the volume would be attractive to a carrier. Traders would need to pack and address their goods and then simply drop them off at a pickup point each day. We are just throwing the idea out there for now, but it would seem worthy of more consideration.